Inch Loss / Figure Correction
State of the Art New Age Technology based programs
RANGE OF TREATMENTS FOR Inch Loss / Figure Correction
Lose those extra inches from tummy, hips, thighs, arms “Lose 1-2 inches from one spot area in one session” These therapies are carried out on specific problematic areas like tummy, hip, thighs, arms and back to give concentrated inch loss. Massage is performed using long strokes and deep pressure rolling movements, followed by a firming gel in combination with Lypolaser for tightening and toning effects. It helps to improve circulation and eliminate the toxins from the lymphatic system. The firming pack enhances the skin elasticity and improves the muscle tone. This helps in body firming and shaping.

Inch Loss & Skin Tightening from tummy, hips, thighs, arms “Lose 2-3 inches from one spot area in one session” This specialized advanced technology was introduced by Zenith and the use of concentrated products for the removal of fat from target areas. It includes sessions on alternate days. Massage is performed using Anti Cellulite gel followed by a Gel wrap & Cellotherm session. This helps in body firming and shaping.
Deal with your stubborn fat deposits “Upto 4 cms/Session from one area” Advance Inch Loss Therapy involves penetration of lipolytic cream through ultrasonic technology into the adipose tissues. This is followed by a manual massage using anti-cellulite oil. The use of an advance firming appliance after the massage results in better fat metabolism, inch loss, skin firming, body shaping and consequently better weight loss results.

A high frequency (Radio Frequency electric wave) 8 muti-polar RF (for body), 4 polar RF for face and Bipolar RF for face & eye is applied to the deep issue to stimulate the collagen. RF electric wave not only increases the effect of cavitation, but also lifts and tightens the skin. It’s perfect for body shaping. this program is effective for cellulite and circumference reduction, Body shaping and simultaneous Collagen renewal & skin tightening
“8-10 cms in 5 sessions”
Mesotherapy treatment is a non surgical cosmetic solution – Deoxycholic acid aimed at diminishing problem areas in the body such as cellulite, excess weight, body contouring, double chin reduction, just to name a few. It is administered via numerous injections containing various types of FDA approved medicines, vitamins, and minerals. This treatment is available for various specific areas – Abdomen/Arms/Thighs/Hips/Double chin/Side bulges /Lower Back.
Approximate time taken – 1 hr.

Zenith has introduced a new concept named ‘Size Zero Program’. In this program Zenith is promoting a new dimension, i.e, reduction of waist sizes instead of weight loss program. This latest treatment uses ultrasonic induction of a new revolutionary product – Anti Corpulent Gel. This gel helps to get rid of fat cells and gives instant inch loss. The program is a combination of various different therapies, machine sessions and intensive diet counselling and is to be executed in a defined manner. This program is executed under daily monitoring by our experts.
Cryolipolysis at Zenith is a procedure, which is acclaimed to be very safe and uses cooling technology to freeze the stubborn fat in your body. The cooled cells then begin to shrink and over a course of a few months get disposed of from the body through the liver.
Since fat cells are not known to regenerate, the improved shape of the body can be expected to last a lifetime.
This procedure is especially effective to do away with fat bulges in the upper and lower abdomen (tires), the flank areas (love-handles), the upper arms, and the inner thighs. It can also treat various areas of the face including the chin